Cutlerville East Christian Reformed Church
Sermons from the worship services of Cutlerville East Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Cutlerville East Christian Reformed Church
Our Loving Father
JB Phillips wrote about this in his book, Your God Is Too Small. He talks about a number of different images people have for God: a policeman, judge, grand old man, managing director of the universe, our projected image of the ideal father (Freud), a powerful and uncaring Greek deity (like Zeus). The Heidelberg Catechism, reflecting on the first statement of the Apostles’ Creed, says quite a mouthful about God the Father. It tells us that he is our Father “because of Christ his Son.” We can trust him to provide for us and “turn to my good whatever adversity he sends me in this sad world.” Ultimately it tells us that “he is a faithful Father.”
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32